 Purpose: To selectively plot (uncombined) natorbs or spf's.
 Usage  : showspf [-T|-S|-I|-M|-Ma] [-f -i -rst -o -a -g -p -x -y
                      -sm -abs -abs2 -re -im -reim -n -w -nw -nofs
                      -spf -nat -G -ver -h -?]  [fx sx x] .

Output Formats : 
 -S      : "Step through" by pressing RETURN. (default).
 -M      : "Movie", one picture every second.
 -I id   : "Index file", id=0 shows the first picture, id=1 the second, etc.
 -T      : "3D time file" (grid file).
 -Ma     : Mathematica file (for dynamic plots).

Options  : 
 -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi
           The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name.
 -i DIR  : Use DIR as name directory.
 -rst    : the restart file is read, rather than the psi file.
 -o FILE : The output is written to file FILE*_f* rather than
           to ./natorb*_f*
           The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name.
           If FILE=no, i.e. "-o no", no output-file will be opened.
 -g      : GNUplot comand lines are written to the output file(s).
 -a      : GNUplot is called automatically. (sets -g and -w).
 -p      : Print GNUplot (sets -g). Allowed only with -I or -T.
 -sm     : Smooth the plot-data by splines. (only for GNUplot, sets -g).
 -abs    : Plot absolute values. (default).
 -abs2   : Plot absolute values squared. 
 -re     : Plot real part (only for GNUplot, sets -g).
 -im     : Plot imaginary part (only for GNUplot, sets -g).
 -reim   : Plot both imaginary and real parts (only for GNUplot, sets -g).
 -spf    : Plot the single-particle functions
           rather than natorbs.
 -nat    : Plot the natural orbitals rather
           than spf's (default). Note x=1 -> highest occupied natorb.
 -nofs   : No transformation to fs. Use when 'time-not-fs' was set in mctdh.
 -nw     : No weights are employed. Plot the "naked" DVR values.
 -n step : Show only every step-th picture. (Only useful for -S, -M).
 -x xmin xmax : Set the abszisse length.
 -y ymax : Set the ordinate length (default: auto). Ignored for -T and -Ma.
 -G      : Plot gridlines.
 -w      : An existing output file is overwritten.
 -h      : Print this help text. 
 -?      : Print this help text. 
 -ver    : Version information about the program 

 The arguments select the spf (x), dof (fx) and state (sx) 
 Replace x by appropriate number, any order is allowed.
 If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument.