
 Analyse program "rdcheck" (Read check file)


 Analyse program "rdcheck" 
 Purpose : Reads the check-file.
           Outputs and analyses the state population, natural weights etc..
 Usage   : rdcheck [-f -i -o -eu -g -gq -t -n -ver -h -?] task [ nmd / ndf  ns]
 Exact usage depends on task chosen 
  rdcheck : No task outputs system information to the screen
  rdcheck spop: State populations output to spop.pl
  rdcheck natpop [nmd ns]: Natural populations for mode nmd and state ns
                          written to natpop_nmd_ns.pl
 If the -ml option is set, then the first argument is ML-node for which data
 is written. The second argument is nmd, i.e. the runing number of the mode
 for which the natpops are written.
  rdcheck qdq [ndf ns]:    Coordinate expection values for DOF ndf and state ns
                          written to qdq_ndf_ns.pl
  rdcheck ggp [nmd ns]:    Gross Gaussian populations for mode nmd and state ns
                          written to ggp_nmd_ns.pl
  rdcheck etot: Total energy and norm output to etot.pl
                For density matrices the trace is also written.
 If not enough arguments given, the user is prompted for the missing arguments.

 Options : 
 -f FILE : The data is read from file FILE rather than from ./check
           The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name.
 -i DIR  : Data is read from file DIR/check
 -o FILE: The output is written to file FILE.pl
           rather than the default.
           The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name.
           If FILE=no, output is to the screen.
 -ml     : If natpop, read the natural populations of the non-bottom nodes of
           an ML-run. In this case the first argument read is the
           node-number rather than the state.
 -tr2    : Trace{rho^2} is written to screen. (MCTDH 1 part. dens.)
 -entropy: Entropy of natural populations is written to screen.
           Do not use -tr2, or -entropy simultainiously.
 -g      : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file(s).
 -r      : Renormalise the natural weights via division by state population.
 -eu unit   : Use "unit" for the energy.

 -t dt   : Print the natural weights every dt fs.
 -last   : Take last WF when computing the 
           maximum over time of lowest nat.-weight.
 -skip n : Skip the first n WFs when computing the 
           maximum over time of lowest nat.-weight.
 -cut n  : Consider only the first n WFs when computing the
           maximum over time of lowest nat.-weight.
 -nofs   : No time units. Sets fs=1. Use, if 'time-not-fs' is set.
 -n      : Sets both -nofs and -noev
 -noev   : No energy units. Sets ev=1. Use, if 'energy-not-ev' is set.
 -ver    : Version information about the program.
 -h      : Print this help text. 
 -?      : Print this help text. 