 Purpose: Converts the wavefunction in a psi file from MCTDH 
          to numerically exact form. Default is single precision.
          To inspect the WF, the output may also be in ASCII fromat
          with or without printing coordinates (option -ort).
          Default is showing the "naked" DVR populations, but
          DVR-weights can be removed from the WF by setting the 
          option -W (requires that -ort is also set). NB: -W does
          the opposite of -nw used in other analysis routines.

 Usage  : psi2ex [-f -i -o -stp -n -skip -thrs -ort -ascii -W -pop2
                    -plot -abs -abs2 -rst -w -dp -ver -h -?]

Options : 
 -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi
           The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name.
 -i FILE : Same as -f FILE.
 -o FILE : The output is written to file FILE rather than to ./psi.ex
           The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name.
 -rst    : A restart file rather than a psi file is read as input.
 -stp step: Compute the exact WF only every step-th output.
 -n num  : only the first num WFs are read  from psi-file.
 -skip m : the first m WFs are skipped.
 -pop2   : exact WF is given in second population
 -plot   : only meaningful if -pop2 is activated
           and some dof is of fft type. 
           For each dof of fft type, the x-axis is
           swapped in a convenient way for further
           plotting. NB: the resulting WF cannot be
           used in a subsequent MCTDH calculation.
 -ort    : The WF and their coordinates are written to output file.
           Note that -ort sets -ascii.
 -W      : The DVR-weights are removed from the WF.
           Useful for plotting the WF.
           -W requires that -ort is set, otherwise ignored.
 -thrs thrs : The WF and their coordinates are written 
           only if(abs(WF).GT.thrs). Works only with -ort.
 -ascii  : The output file is in ascii rather than binary format.
           In this case the (dummy) A-vector and psiinfo 
           are not written, i.e. the file contains the WF only.
 -abs    : The absolute value of the exact WF is written.
           In this case the (dummy) A-vector and psiinfo 
           are not written, i.e. the file contains abs(WF) only.
 -abs2   : Similar to -abs, but the absolute value squared
           of the exact WF is written.
 -dp     : The file is written double precision.
 -w      : An existing output file is overwritten.
 -ver    : Version information about the program 
 -h      : Print this help text. 
 -?      : Print this help text. 