Purpose: Calculates the norm and A-norm of a wavefunction.
  or density operator of type II.
 Usage:   norm [-f -i -r -n -all -s -nofs -inter -ver -h -?] .

Options : 
 -f FILE : The wavefunction (density operator) is read from file 
           FILE rather than from ./psi
           The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name.
 -i DIR  : data is stored in directory DIR
 -n step : Compute the norm only every step-th output.
 -all    : Print the norm of all ML-nodes, not only the top one.
           -all is ignored for MCTDH runs. It must not be used with -inter.
 -r      : Take the restart file rather than the psi file.
 -s      : Suppress printing information on ML-tree.
 -nofs   : No transformation to fs. Use when "time-not-fs" was set in mctdh.
 -inter  : enables interactive plotting.
 -ver    : Version information about the program 
 -h      : Print this help text. 
 -?      : Print this help text. 
 Note: The output is to screen.
 For ML-wavefunctions the norm of each layer is evaluated, if "-all" is set.