 Purpose: Calculates the time evolution of an expectation value.
 Usage  : expect [-op -f -i -o -nofs -g -a -r -rst -x -t -p -u -n -skip
                 -MC -Macc -G -w -ver -h -?] [operator].

Options : 
 -op FILE : The operator is read from file FILE rather than from ./oper

 -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi
           The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name.
 -o FILE : The output is written to file FILE.pl rather than to ./expect.pl
           The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name.
           If FILE=no, i.e. "-o no", no output file will be opened,
           and the output is directed to screen.
 -i DIR : data is stored in directory DIR

 -nofs   : No transformation to fs. Use when 'time-not-fs' was set in mctdh.
 -g      : GNUplot comand lines are written to the output file(s).
 -a      : GNUplot is called automatically. (sets -g and -w).
 -DB PATH : Sets path to DD DB relative to current location.
 -p      : Print GNUplot to lpr (sets -g). 
 -MC     : Use Monte-Carlo integration (useful for G-MCTDH evaluation). 
 -MCacc R: Set accuracy of Monte-Carlo integration to R (default R=0.01). 
 -r      : Do not divide the expectation values by norm^2.
 -rst    : Use restart rather than psi file.
 -x xi xf: Set the abscissa length.
 -t tfin : The expectation values are computed only up to time=tfin.
 -u UNIT : The unit used is UNITs (Default is a.u.).
 -n step : Compute the property only every step-th output.
 -skip nskip : Skip the first nskip wavefunctions.
 -G      : Plot gridlines (meaningfull only if -g or -a is set).
 -w      : An existing property file is overwritten.
 -ver    : Version information about the program.
 -h      : Print this help text. 
 -?      : Print this help text. 

 The argument operator is the name of the operator, as specified in an
 HAMILTONIAN-SECTION_xxx, for which the expectation value is required.
 If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument.