
 Analyse program "checkdb" 
 Purpose : Checks and cleans an SQL DD DB for validity.
 Usage   : checkdb [-batch -i NAME -d -c -sc -mindb R -r I -mx I
                     -ener R [, unit] -r I -mx I -rd -ver -h -?] 

 Options : 
 -i NAME : The DB is read from directory NAME 
 -d      : The DB is cleaned by removing duplicate points.
 -mindb R  : tolerance used for duplicate points is R (default:   0.20)
 -c      : The DB is cleaned by removing points from failed calculations.
 -sc     : The DB is strongly cleaned by removing points from failed and
           interpolated calculations.
 -r nignore : The DB entry nignore is removed 
 -mx nmaxrec : Write only the first nmaxrec records to the DB 
 -ener R [, unit] : Remove points with adiabatic energies above R.
           Note if units are given a space is needed before the comma.
 -rd : Read DB to test integrity of records
 -batch  : Batch mode - no output to the screen. 
 -ver    : Version information about the program.
 -h,-?   : Print this help text. 
