MCTDH: Changes of the Code

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Version 8    Release 5

Revision 14,  (June 2021)  (Public: June 24, 2021)

  • ---- Version 8.5.14 released. (June 24, 2021) ----
  • rdgpop now knows the option -last.
    The keyword rho-norm is added to the RK-integrators. The error-measure then includes the density matrix. This avoids very small step sizes when there are unoccupied SPFs. Works also for ML.
    The RK integrators now take 5% smaller steps. This reduces the number of repetition steps.
    (HDM 05/21)
  • SVD regularization of the EOM for the SPFs implemented. See J.Chem.Phys. 148, 124105 (2018). The new keyword "eps_svd" in integrator-section defines the regularization parameter. If it is zero, no SVD regularization, but normal density regularization is performed. SVD regularization is not implemented for ML!
    (HDM 03/21)
  • Spawning of SPFs (dynamical SPFs) implemented. See J.Chem.Phys. 153, 234114 (2020), the Run-Section of the HTML-docu, and the section 8.2 of the guide. Spawning is not implemented for ML!
    (DMT 03/21)
  • Added sections 2.8 and 15 to the guide. These sections describe how to perform statistical thermalization. There is also a new script runthermal on $MCTDH_DIR/bin .
    New options for rdcheck85, sumspec85 and mctdh85.
    (HDM 12/20)
  • Added section 14.7.2 to the guide on how to link TNUM/TANA with mcpotfit or mccpd.
    (MS 11/20)
  • VCHAM updated. See doc/vcham/scripts/pyr4_val/readme.txt .
    (DMT 11/20)
  • Ported python code to python3. (The files on bin/python/oct are still python2. They will be ported soon).
    (MS 11/20)

Revision 13,  (September 2020)  (Public: Sep 30, 2020)

  • ---- Version 8.5.13 released. (Sep 30, 2020) ----
  • Important bug fixed in zeiginwf.F which could lead to wrong results for runs with single-set electronic states.
    (HDM 09/20)
  • rdgpop now knows the option -s, which suppresses informative-only part of output (short output).
    (HDM 09/20)
  • Mapping operators can be read in with the keyword readmap.See "Hamiltonian Documentation/Lables-Section". Mapping operators are useful for SQR-MCTDH.
    The keyword numberproj in Run-Section allows to conserve the particle number of each SPF in a SQR-MCTDH calculation.
    (HDM and SS 09/20)
  • autospec85 can now also read an expectation file. This is useful for propagations starting from thermalized states.
    (HDM 09/20)
  • Bug fixed in rdspf84, format of prinout was incorrect in some cases.
    (HDM 09/20)
  • mctdh84 now knows the option -thermal by which the temperature and seed can be given for a thermal relaxation.
    (HDM 09/20)
  • operate now works also for ML-wavefunctions.
    (HDM 08/20)
  • The selection of the DOFs of a density to be plotted by showsys is made more convenient.
    (HDM 07/20)
  • showsys85 and dengen85 can now work with ML-wavefunctions.
    (HDM 07/20)
  • The Run-Section keywords expect and cross now work for ML-runs. For cross, however, identical trees, including identical numbers of SPFs are required for system- and cross-WF.
    (HDM 07/20)
  • flux85 now has the full functionality for ML-wavefunctions. Similarly, one may now use wfproj85 for ML-wavefunctions.
    (HDM 07/20)

Revision 12,  (June 2020)  (Public: June 25, 2020)

  • ---- Version 8.5.12 released. (june 25, 2020) ----
  • Bug fixed in expect85. PLeg operators and Wigner operators with exp had been ignored. (On the fly expectation worked correctly).
    (HDM 06/20)
  • Some output formats for vchfit85 (mainly for operator file) have been changed. The use of 10 and more electronic states is now possible.
    (HDM 06/20)
  • The thermalization procedure is overhauled.
    (HDM 04/20)
  • New script, it reads and analyses the lownatpop file.
    (HDM 02/20)
  • There is a new keyword allcomplete in RUN-SECTION. If set, all SPFs are kept fixed and the propagation is only through the A-vector. One performs a standard method propagation in the basis given by the initial SPFs.
    (HDM 02/20)
  • Several bug fixes in parallelization.
    (MS 02/10)

Revision 11,  (November 2019)  (Public: Nov 11, 2019)

  • ---- Version 8.5.11 released. (Nov 11, 2019) ----
  • Updates of mccpd and its ducumentation.
    (MS 11/19)
  • For Mac user: The compile scripts are now compatible with Xcode 11. The gcc/gfortran compiler are assumed.
    (HDM 11/19)
  • First version of dynwf implemented. dynwf is an algorithm for the dynamical expansion of the MCTDH wavefunction (i.e. the numbers of SPFs) on-the-fly. Currently this works only for MCTDH, but not for ML-runs. See dynspf and initorb in HTML-docu, Run-Section.
    (DMT 11/19)
  • An ML-run now additionally writes the natural populations of the non-bottom nodes to check file. rdcheck85 and plnat now knows the option -ml, which allows to print/plot the natural populations of non-bottom nodes of an ML-run.
    (HDM 10/19)
  • With the new keyword operate_ortho a number is substracted from the operator, O -> O-s, such that the operated wavefunction is orthogonal to the initial one. See the HTML docu (Init_WF-Section) for details.
    (HDM 09/19)
  • There is a new analyse routine, rdspf84, which prints the SPF coefficients to screen. (Developed by G. Worth).
    (HDM 09/19)
  • There is a new keyword, euclid, for the build part of the Init_WF-Section. It generates an initial SPF where only one grid point is populated. (I.e. the SPF is represented by an euclidean vector). Similarly, there is a new projector, pop1, for flux and wfproj. It projects on a single grid point of an SPF.
    (HDM 07/19)
  • The action of the read keyword (see Hamiltonian Documentation/Labels-Section) is extended. With read one can now read in mode operators, if they are represented by a real matrix. For reading diagonal mode operators please use readsrf. (Previously read could handle only DOF operators, but not operators acting on a combined mode.)
    (HDM 06/19)
  • The generation of initially unoccupied SPFs is overhauled. It is now more stable.
    (HDM 04/19)
  • The defaults of the GNU ar command have changed. In the compile.cnf scripts the MCTDH_ARFLAGS is changed from rlc to rlcU when the used ar command knows the U-flag. (Problem noted by IU).
    (HDM 03/19)
  • Checkin of new program mccpd (Monte-Carlo CPD/CANDECOMP). This is an alternative to Potfit and MC-Potfit, but yields more compact potential representations. mccpd can handle rather large problems (~30D). See the HTML docu of mccpd. (MS 03/19)

Revision 10,  (Feb 2019)  (Public: Feb 07, 2019)

  • ---- Version 8.5.10 released. (Feb 07, 2019) ----
  • crosscorr now supports the option -M which treats the reference WF as time-dependent. It hence can compute time-dependent overlaps and matrix-elements.
    (HDM 10/18)
  • plgen can now read an input file (argument-file). Try "plgen -f" to inspect an example argument-file. There are also new options: -j, -J, -S, -B, -C.
    (HDM 11/18)
  • There is a new program: natpot2cpd. It read a natpot file (generated by Potfit or MCPotfit) and converts it to a canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) (also known as CANDECOMP or parallel factors). An alternating least squares (ALS) algorithm is used.
    (MS 12/18)
  • The routine hfco.f on addsurf was buggy. Please download addsurf again!
    sumspec can now sum up to 9 data columns.
    The tasks continuation, rdnpot, and cutnpot of POTFIT and their documentation is overhauled.
    (HDM 01/19)

Revision 9,  (July 2018)  (Public: Jul 25, 2018)

  • ---- Version 8.5.9 released. (Jul 25, 2018) ----
  • Pthreads now working on MacOS (vers. >= 10.6)! One needs GCC from MacPorts and must use little-endians.
    (MS 05/18)
  • Monte-Carlo Potfit Several improvements for mcpotfit85 implemented. Among others: Symmetry operations may now be defined by coordinate-expressions (rather than being grid based). Multiple trajectories possible for all samplings. Extended grids are now also allowed for the contracted mode.
    (MS 05/18)
  • The code for the thermalization of an initial wavefunction is completely written anew. Now the coefficients are randomized at the SPF level (instead of the A-vector).
    (DMT 06/18)
  • Bugs in VCHAM fixed.
    (DMT 07/18)

Revision 8,  (February 2018)  (Public: Feb 13, 2018)

  • ---- Version 8.5.8 released. (Feb 13, 2018) ----
  • A new version of vcham is ported from Quantics.
    (HDM 01/18)
  • overlap85 knows the new option -p. With it trace(P_bra P_ket) is written to the file projection, where P_bra P_ket denote the projectors onto the SPF spaces of the bra and the ket Wf, respectively.
    (HDM 01/18)
  • Monte-Carlo Potfit Some smaller improvements for mcpotfit84 implemented. A chapter on Monte-Carlo Potfit is added to the guide.
    (MS 12/17)

Revision 7,  (September 2017)  (Public: Sep 22, 2017)

  • ---- Version 8.5.7 released. (Sep 22, 2017) ----
  • Multi-Layer Operators (MLOps) are an alternative to the sum-of-products representation of the Hamiltonian, and allow for a (much) more efficient evaluation of the matrix elements/equations of motion when ML-MCTDH is used. MLOps are created by reading multi-layer potential fits (MLPFs) with the mlpf keyword in the operator file.
    Warning: This is a substantial change to some of the core parts of (ML-)MCTDH, and as such may have unintended side effects. You are therefore advised to check your results against previous releases, and are asked to report any problems or discrepancies you encounter.
    Note: Most analysis programs do not yet work with MLOps, except expect85.
    (FO 2013−2017)
  • Multi-Layer Potential Fits (MLPFs) can be generated with the Multi-Layer Potfit (MLPF) program. See the HTML-docu. Note that MLPF has to be compiled separately, it is not compiled by the MCTDH compile script.
    (FO 2013−2017)
  • It is now highly recommended to use a compiler that fully supports Fortran2003.
  • Monte-Carlo Potfit (mcpotfit85) code is further improved, the MPI-parallelization is enhanced and a new algorithm for symmetrizing a natpot is added. See J.Chem.Phys. 147 (2017), 064105.
    (MS 09/17)
  • There is a new keyword select, which allows to read a selected subset of initial SPFs from a foreign restart file.
    (HDM 09/17)
  • Code for thermalization of an initial MCTDH-wavefunction implemented.
    (DMT 08/17)
  • Compile scripts updated. The file platform.cnf.priv.template is re-written.
    (HDM 02/17)
  • The keyword sdq was not properly treated in sin-DVR. Fixed.
    (HDM 01/17)

Revision 6,  (November 2016)  (Public: Nov 25, 2016)

Version 8    Release 4

Revision 21,  (June 2021)  (Public: June 24, 2021)

  • ---- Version 8.4.21 released. (June 24, 2021) ----
  • rdgpop now knows the option -last.
    The keyword rho-norm is added to the RK-integrators. The error-measure then includes the density matrix. This avoids very small step sizes when there are unoccupied SPFs.
    The RK integrators now take 5% smaller steps. This reduces the number of repetition steps.
    (HDM 05/21)
  • SVD regularization of the EOM for the SPFs implemented. See J.Chem.Phys. 148, 124105 (2018). The new keyword "eps_svd" in integrator-section defines the regularization parameter. If it is zero, no SVD regularization, but normal density regularization is performed.
    (HDM 03/21)
  • Added sections 2.8 and 15 to the guide. These sections describe how to perform statistical thermalization. There is also a new script runthermal on $MCTDH_DIR/bin .
    New options for rdcheck84, sumspec84 and mctdh84.
    (HDM 12/20)
  • VCHAM updated. See doc/vcham/scripts/pyr4_val/readme.txt .
    (DMT 11/20)
  • Ported python code to python3. (The files on bin/python/oct are still python2. They will be ported soon).
    (MS 11/20)

Revision 20,  (September 2020)  (Public: Sep 30, 2020)

  • ---- Version 8.4.20 released. (Sep 30, 2020) ----
  • Important bug fixed in zeiginwf.F which could lead to wrong results for runs with single-set electronic states.
    (HDM 09/20)
  • rdgpop now knows the option -s, which suppresses informative-only part of output (short output).
    (HDM 09/20)
  • autospec85 can now also read an expectation file. This is useful for propagations starting from thermalized states.
  • Bug fixed in rdspf84, format of prinout was incorrect in some cases.
    (HDM 09/20)
  • mctdh84 now knows the option -thermal by which the temperature and seed can be given for a thermal relaxation.
    (HDM 09/20)
  • The selection of the DOFs of a density to be plotted by showsys is made more convenient.
    (HDM 07/20)

Revision 19,  (June 2020)  (Public: June 25, 2020)

  • ---- Version 8.4.19 released. (june 25, 2020) ----
  • Bug fixed in expect84. PLeg operators and Wigner operators with exp had been ignored. (On the fly expectation worked correctly).
    (HDM 06/20)
  • Some output formats for vchfit84 (mainly for operator file) have been changed. The use of 10 and more electronic states is now possible.
    (HDM 06/20)
  • The thermalization procedure is overhauled.
    (HDM 04/20)
  • There is a new keyword allcomplete in RUN-SECTION. If set, all SPFs are kept fixed and the propagation is only through the A-vector. One performs a standard method propagation in the basis given by the initial SPFs.
    (HDM 02/20)
  • Several bug fixes in parallelization.
    (MS 02/10)

Revision 18,  (November 2019)  (Public: Nov 11, 2019)

  • ---- Version 8.4.18 released. (Nov 11, 2019) ----
  • Updates of mccpd and its ducumentation.
    (MS 11/19)
  • For Mac user: The compile scripts are now compatible with Xcode 11. The gcc/gfortran compiler are assumed.
    (HDM 11/19)
  • With the new keyword operate_ortho a number is substracted from the operator, O -> O-s, such that the operated wavefunction is orthogonal to the initial one. See the HTML docu (Init_WF-Section) for details.
    (HDM 09/19)
  • There is a new analyse routine, rdspf84, which prints the SPF coefficients to screen. (Developed by G. Worth).
    (HDM 09/19)
  • There is a new keyword, euclid, for the build part of the Init_WF-Section. It generates an initial SPF where only one grid point is populated. (I.e. the SPF is represented by an euclidean vector). Similarly, there is a new projector, pop1, for flux and wfproj. It projects on a single grid point of an SPF.
    (HDM 07/19)
  • The action of the read keyword (see Hamiltonian Documentation/Labels-Section) is extended. With read one can now read in mode operators, if they are represented by a real matrix. For reading diagonal mode operators please use readsrf. (Previously read could handle only DOF operators, but not operators acting on a combined mode.)
    (HDM 06/19)
  • The generation of initially unoccupied SPFs is overhauled. It is now more stable.
    (HDM 04/19)
  • The defaults of the GNU ar command have changed. In the compile.cnf scripts the MCTDH_ARFLAGS is changed from rlc to rlcU when the used ar command knows the U-flag. (Problem noted by IU).
    (HDM 03/19)
  • Checkin of new program mccpd (Monte-Carlo CPD/CANDECOMP). This is an alternative to Potfit and MC-Potfit, but yields more compact potential representations. mccpd can handle rather large problems (~30D). See the HTML docu of mccpd. (MS 03/19)

Revision 17,  (March 2019)  (Public: Mar 07, 2019)

  • ---- Version 8.4.17 released. (Mar 07, 2019) ----
  • crosscorr now supports the option -M which treats the reference WF as time-dependent. It hence can compute time-dependent overlaps and matrix-elements.
    (HDM 10/18)
  • plgen can now read an input file (argument-file). Try "plgen -f" to inspect an example argument-file. There are also new options: -j, -J, -S, -B, -C.
    (HDM 11/18)
  • There is a new program: natpot2cpd. It read a natpot file (generated by Potfit or MCPotfit) and converts it to a canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) (also known as CANDECOMP or parallel factors). An alternating least squares (ALS) algorithm is used.
    (MS 12/18)
  • The routine hfco.f on addsurf was buggy. Please download addsurf again!
    sumspec can now sum up to 9 data columns.
    The tasks continuation, rdnpot, and cutnpot of POTFIT and their documentation is overhauled.
    (HDM 01/19)

Revision 16,  (July 2018)  (Public: Jul 25, 2018)

  • ---- Version 8.4.16 released. (Jul 25, 2018) ----
  • Pthreads now working on MacOS (vers. >= 10.6)! One needs GCC from MacPorts and must use little-endians.
    (MS 05/18)
  • Monte-Carlo Potfit Several improvements for mcpotfit84 implemented. Among others: Symmetry operations may now be defined by coordinate-expressions (rather than being grid based). Multiple trajectories possible for all samplings. Extended grids are now also allowed for the contracted mode.
    (MS 05/18)
  • The code for the thermalization of an initial wavefunction is completely written anew. Now the coefficients are randomized at the SPF level (instead of the A-vector).
    (DMT 06/18)
  • Bugs in VCHAM fixed.
    (DMT 07/18)

Revision 15,  (February 2018)  (Public: Feb 13, 2018)

  • ---- Version 8.4.15 released. (Feb 13, 2018) ----
  • A new version of vcham is ported from Quantics.
    (HDM 01/18)
  • overlap84 knows the new option -p. With it trace(P_bra P_ket) is written to the file projection, where P_bra P_ket denote the projectors onto the SPF spaces of the bra and the ket Wf, respectively.
    (HDM 01/18)
  • Monte-Carlo Potfit Some smaller improvements for mcpotfit84 implemented. A chapter on Monte-Carlo Potfit is added to the guide.
    (MS 12/17)

Revision 14,  (September 2017)  (Public: Sep 22, 2017)

  • ---- Version 8.4.14 released. (Sep 22, 2017) ----
  • Monte-Carlo Potfit (mcpotfit84) code is further improved, the MPI-parallelization is enhanced and a new algorithm
    for symmetrizing a natpot is added. See J.Chem.Phys. 147 (2017), 064105.
    (MS 09/17)
  • There is a new keyword select, which allows to read a selected subset of initial SPFs from a foreign restart file.
    (HDM 09/17)
  • Code for thermalization of an initial MCTDH-wavefunction implemented.
    (DMT 08/17)
  • Compile scripts updated, g77 removed. The file platform.cnf.priv.template is re-written.
    (HDM 02/17)
  • The keyword sdq was not properly treated in sin-DVR. Fixed.
    (HDM 01/17)

Revision 13,  (November 2016)  (Public: Nov 25, 2016)

  • ---- Version 8.4.13 released. (Nov 25, 2016) ----
  • mreport updated, more files saved, three chunks for large files.
    (HDM 11/16)
  • Major revision of MC-Potfit, parallelization improved.
    (MS 08/14)
  • One may now use the same restart file for the "file=..." and "orthogonalise=..." statements of the MCTDH init_WF-Section.
    In this case it is no longer necessary to use a copy of the restart file.
    (HDM 07/16)
  • New program concat implemented. It generates a (Hartree) product of two MCTDH wavefunctions. psi(x,y)=psi1(x)*psi2(y).
    (HDM 05/16)

Revision 12,  (April 2016)  (Public: Apr 15, 2016)

  • ---- Version 8.4.12 released. (Apr 15, 2016) ----
  • Severe bug fixed in subroutine sortktms on heinsort.F .
    This bug occurred only for LMR operators under certain conditions.
    (Operator added with a none unit coefficient, and appeared more than once).
    Bug found and fixed by Falk Richter.
    (HDM 03/16)
  • compile scripts updated to work with GCC 5.* (Thanks to Frank)
    The script install_mctdh now sets links to compile.cnf and platform.cnf rather than copying the files.
    (HDM 01/16)
  • showsys can now plot the densities of split restart files, rstxxx, even in the original name-directory (with packets DOF).
    Generating an extra name-directory without the packets DOF is no longer needed.
    (HDM 11/15)
  • sumspec : works now also with 2 or 3 columns
    jinpol : An extra file for energies may be given, (option -ef)
    (HDM 10/15)

Revision 11,  (Sep 2015)  (Public: Sep 10, 2015)

  • ---- Version 8.4.11 released. (Sep 10, 2015) ----
  • New analyse program rdnatpot84. It reads a natpot file and prints information on it to rdnatpot.log.
    (HDM 06/15)
  • The option -D writes the output to an external directory when running showd1d, showsys, or showpot.
    This is useful if one has no right to write to the name directory.
    (HDM 06/15)
  • New script mreport that collects all relevant data from a name directory. Intended for filing support requests.
    (MS 05/15)
  • Monte-Carlo Potfit (mcpotfit84) code is improved, in particular some parts are MPI-parallelized.
    (MS 03/15)
  • Coordinate transformation for potential energy surfaces is added. The PES is to be defines in opfuncs/trasrf.F
    See HTML-Docu: Potfit/Input Documentation/transformation-section.
    (KS 03/15)
  • twprop, crosspec, autospec, sumspec: Blank lines and lines that start with a '#' are ignored
    when reading cross, auto, or spectrum files, respectively.
    (HDM 11/14)

Revision 10,  (October 2014)  (Public: Oct 13, 2014)

  • ---- Version 8.4.10 released. (Oct 13, 2014) ----
  • A first (experimental) version of Monte-Carlo Potfit (mcpotfit84) is implemented. See HTML documentation.
    (MS 10/14)
  • The routine energdstr will find the energy interval for the energy distribution (correction=dia) now more safely.
    (HDM 09/14)
  • Bug fixed in gtheta on flxutils.F. Incorrect results were produced by flux84 when electronic states were present.
    (HDM 08/14)
  • Index-out-of-bounds bug fixed in clusterbuild.
    (MS 07/14)
  • "Map" can be used to add up to three initial 1D-SPFs.
    A dummy routine mpigetdavmatz is added, otherwise no MPI compilation.
    (HDM 06/14)
  • Block-DAV and cDAV can now use a preconditioner. Implementation done by Letitia.
    (HDM 02/14)
  • New Wigner operators, jpjz, jzjp, jpjzs, jzjps, etc. implemented by Phillip Thomas.
    (HDM 01/14)
  • New keyword "readspf" for the build-section. This allows to read an initial SPF from an external file.
    Weights (w^1/2) may be multiplied to the function. (HDM 06/14)
    (FO 01/14)
  • A large natpot can be reduced in size with the keyword "reduce-pf" in Operator-Section.
    (HDM 01/14)
  • Parallel versions of "getdiagonal" and " bgetdiagonal" implemented.
    (MS 12/13)

Revision 9, (November 2013) (Public: Nov 22, 2013)

Revision 8, (November 2012) (Public: Nov 28, 2012)

Revision 7, (November 2011) (Public: November 03, 2011)

Revision 6, (January 2011) (Public: January 07, 2011)

Revision 5, (June 2010) (Public: June 25, 2010)

Revision 4, Patchlevel 2 (December 2009) (Public: December16, 2009)

Revision 4, Patchlevel 1 (December 2009) (Public: December09, 2009)

Revision 4 (September 2009) (Public: September 11, 2009)

Revision 3 (December 2008) (Public: December 4, 2008)

Revision 2 (December 2007) (Public: December 14, 2007)

Revision 0 (April 2007) (Public: April 17, 2007)

Version 8 Release 3

Revision 14 (April 2007) (Public: April 17, 2007)

Revision 13 (July 2006) (Public: July 27, 2006)

Revision 12 (December 2005) (Public: December 15, 2005)

Revision 10 (May 2005) (Public: May 20, 2005)

Revision 9 (December 2004) (Public: December 09, 2004)

Revision 8 (June 2004) (Public: June 13, 2004)

Revision 7 (March 2004) (Public: April 13, 2004)

Revision 6 (February 2004)

Revision 4-5 (August 2003) (Public: December 23, 2003)

Revision 3 (July 2003) (Public: August 20, 2003)

Revision 2 (Apr 2003) (Public: June 11, 2003)

Revision 1 (Nov 2002) (Public: Jan 10, 2003)

Revision 0 (Sep-Oct 2002)

Version 8 Release 2

Revision 8 (Sep 2002) (Public: Sep 12, 2002)

Revision 7 (Jul 2002) (Public: Jul 4, 2002)

Revision 6 (Mar 2002)

Revision 5 (Feb 2002) (Public: Feb 8, 2001)

Revision 4 (Jan 2002)

In addition to some small bug fixes/improvements of the code, corrections of and additions to the documentation and to the User's Guide, there are some more important bug fixes and improvements which are listed below.

Revision 3 (Sep 2001) (Public: Sep 18, 2001)

In addition to some small bug fixes, corrections of the documentation, and other small improvements, there are some more important bug fixes (listed below) and two new analyse routines.

Revision 2 (Jul 2001) (Public: Jul 2, 2001)

In addition to several small bug fixes, there are two new features: a two-dimensional Legendre DVR (PLeg) and "relaxation" to excited states.

Revision 1 Patch 1 (Public: Jan 29, 2001)

The following bug-fixes and changes become effective after the patch:

Revision 1 (Jan 2001) (Public: Jan 17, 2001)

The following new features have been added:

Two bugs have been fixed:

Revision 0 (Dec 2000) (Public: Dec 17, 2000)

The DMCTDH programs have now been incorporated into the MCTDH program, and propagation of either density operators or wavefunctions is achieved by using the relevant keywords.

The S-MCTDH method (Worth JCP (2000) 112:8322), which tries to reduce computational resources by including only a selection of the configurations, is now included in a provisional form. Many of the ANALYSE programs, however, are unable to deal with wavefunctions of this form.

There are a number of new ANALYSE programs including:

Allows plotting of 2D cuts of the wavefunction, 2D densities, 2D cuts of the PES. The old showpes program has been incorporated into this program.
Evaluates the time-evolution of an operator expectation value.
Evaluates the time-evolution of a particle (separable) operator expectation value.

The following new features have been added:

Other significant changes are as follows:

Various minor bugs have also been fixed and code changes made. These include:

Version 8 Release 1

Revision 9 (Jul 2000) (Public: Jul 5, 2000)

In addition to updates in the documentation and users guide, the filter diagonalisation programs of Michael Beck have been added. The DMCTDH programs of Andreas Raab, which propagate density matrices using the MCTDH formalism, have also been added to the project. They are as yet undocumented, and not for the novice!

The following new features have also been added:

Other significant changes are as follows:

Various bugs have also been fixed, and minor code changes made. These include:

Revision 6 (Feb 2000) (Public: Feb 28, 2000)

This Revision was the first distributed package. The User's Guide was started, and a user friendly installation procedure was introduced. The POTFIT program has been thoroughly overhauled by Stefan Wefing.

In addition to updates in the documentation, the following new features have been added:

Various bugs have also been fixed, and minor code changes made. These include:

Changes in Version 8.0 (Jan 1999)

The following changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the preceding version have been made:

The whole program was restructured and made more modular. The MCTDH main program now calls four major routines - rundvr, runoper, runinwf and runpropwf - which are quite independent from each other. They build the DVR's, the operator, the initial wave function and perform the propagation.

The following new features have been added.

Changes in Version 7.1 (Jan 1988)

The following changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the preceding version have been made.

Changes in Version 7.0

The following changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the preceding version have been made.

Changes in Version 6.4

The following changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the preceding version have been made.

Changes in Version 6.3

The following changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the preceding version have been made.

Changes in Version 6.2

The following major changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the preceding version have been made.

Changes in Version 6.1

The following major changes of the MCTDH code with respect to the preceding version have been made.