Quantics: About the Code

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The QUANTICS package solves the time-dependent Schroedinger equation to simulate nuclear motion by propagating wavepackets. Various algorithms are possible, depending on the system of interest and the accuracy required. The focus of the package is the Multi-Configurational Time-Dependent Hartree (MCTDH) algorithm. The package grew out of the Heidelberg MCTDH Package. A brief history is written in Comp. Phys. Comm. (2020) 248: 107040


In general, the input is made using ascii files. This enables a system to be set up with the minimum of effort. In particular, simple model system can be studied without any need to program. Options available include

Special features of the MCTDH wavepacket propagation are that:

New Features

Version 2.1

Updates and improvements throughout the code have been made. New features: Various features from the Heidelberg MCTDH Packages have been added including:

Version 2.0

Updates and improvements throughout the code have been made. New features: Various features from the Heidelberg MCTDH Packages have been added including:

Version 1.3

Updates and improvements throughout the code have been made. New features to the propagation: New features to the Direct Dynamics code: New analysis programs: To be noted:

Version 1.2

Updates and improvements throughout the code have been made.

New features to the propagation:

Changes to the input: New features to the Direct Dynamics code: Other new features:

Version 1.0 - 1.1

QUANTICS has many new features compared to the older MCTDH packages. The main changes are the addition of the G-MCTDH algorithm and the direct dynamics DD-vMCG method. It also has an implementation of the real wavepacket propagation algorithm for scattering. The code is now Fortran 90 based with full dynamical allocation of memory. Parallelisation using OpenMP and MPI is made in many parts of the code. The file structures have been updated to use tagging to make reading the information easier if new data is added. To be noted, in particular by Heidelberg MCTDH users,

Many improvements to the direct dynamics were done by Gareth Richings and Iakov Polyak. New additions include: Many improvements to VCHAM were made by Chris Robertson and Simon Neville