Using BAGEL to perform quantum chemistry calculations

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Using BAGEL to perform quantum chemistry calculations


By default, BAGEL, like Quantics, operates in atomic units. However, when specifying a molecular geometry, BAGEL provide the optional keyword angstrom (default=false: use Bohr), allowing the user to specify whether coordinates are provided in angstrom or bohr. When reading BAGEL output, Quantics assumes that the calculation was run with the default options/units ("angstrom" : false).

Non-adiabatic coupling vectors

Quantics defines the non-adiabatic coupling as

φi HRα φj

This is related to the derivative coupling

φi φjRα = φi HRα φj / Ei-Ej

Within its nacme command BAGEL offers the option to calculate the full derivative coupling (nacmtype=full) or the non-adiabatic coupling (the derivative coupling without weighting by energy gap: nacmtype=noweight). Quantics assumes that BAGEL calculations of non-adiabatic couplings have been run with the latter option: "nacmtype" : "noweight".

The documentation for calculating non-adiabatic couplings in BAGEL can be found here.