 Purpose: Finds the "num" lowest and largest points on a PES.
 Usage:   vminmax [ -i -p -o -n -s -d -ham -u -w -c -t -ver -h -?]

Options  : 
 -i DIR  : DIR is taken as  name-directory rather than ./
 -p FILE : the PES is read from FILE rather than from ./oper
           The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name.
 -o FILE : The ouput is written to file FILE rather than to name/vmm
           The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name.
           If FILE=no, i.e. -o no, no output file will be written.
 -n num  : Print num maximal and minimal values.
           The default is num = 100 . Maximum is 250.
 -s s    : Print maximal and minimal values for adiabatic state s. (Def: s=1).
 -d s1 s2: Print maximal and minimal values for diabatic state (s1,s2).
 -ham nhm: Use the Hamiltonian nhm. Default is nhm=1 (system).
 -srf    : write full potential to ASCII file "srf.asc" (one energy 
           per line, for use as readsrf input).
 -u UNIT : Use energy unit UNIT. (Default: eV).
 -w      : Overwrite the output-file vmm.
 -c srf  : Substract potential in file srf (one energy
           per line, like readsrf input) before evaluation.
 -t trj  : Do not run over the complete grid but use dvr indices
           in file trj (n blank separated integers per line)
 -ver    : Version information about the program 
 -h      : Print this help text. 
 -?      : Print this help text. 

For a multi-state PES file the lowest adiabatic surface is analysed by default.
To analyse diabatic diagonal or off-diagonal surfaces use the option -d., E.g. use "-d 1 1" 
to analyse the 1st diabatic state, "-d 1 2" refers to the coupling.