Purpose  : Prints information on a natpot to file rdnatpot.log
           On demand it prints natural potentials and D-tensor.
Usage    : rdnatpot [-i -D -n -evec -b -contr -ver -h -?]

Options  :
 -i NAME : The files are read/stored in the directory NAME
 -D DIR  : The output is written to directory DIR. This is useful,
           if one has no right to write to the name directory.
           The directory DIR must exist.
           The string DIR may be a relative or a full path-name.
The output is directed to screen when setting "-D no".
 -n FILE : The potential fit is read from file FILE
           If "-n FILE" is not given, FILE=natpot is assumed.
 -evec M : The eigenvectors (natural potentials)
           of mode M are written to ASCII file evec.
           M must not equal modc (contracted mode).
           If M=99 then natpots of all modes (except modc) are written.
 -b      : Eigenvectors (natural potentials) are additionally
           written to binary file evecb, (if -evec is set).
 -contr  : The contracted natural potentials of the
           contracted mode are written to ASCII file contr.
           WARNING: This may be a lot of data.
 -ver    : Version information about the program 
 -h      : Print this help text. 
 -?      : Print this help text. 