Purpose : J-interpolation of flux data.
 Usage   : jinpol [-d -f -o -j -j1 -j2 -m -r0 -rf -e1 -e2 -ed -es
                     -em -mp -A -B -C -p -ver -h].

 Options : 
 -id IDIR: The probabilities files are read from directory IDIR.
 -od ODIR: The probabilities files are written to directory ODIR.
 -f FILE : The probabilities  are read from file IDIR/FILEext
           where ext denote the extension jKJ (e.g. 205).
 -o FILE : The interpolated probabilities are written to ODIR/FILEext
           where ext denote the extension jKJ (e.g. 205).
 -ef FILE: The energy points are taken from file FILE. If -ef is not given,
           the energy points are taken from the first flux file.
 -j   j  : Search for files with j-value j. j is the first number in extension.
 -j1  J1 : First J value of interpolation range.
 -j2  J2 : Last  J value of interpolation range.
 -k   K  : Search for files with K-value K. K is the second number in extension.
 -r0  R0 : R0 is the estimated value of the transition-state coordinate.
 -rf  Rf : Rf is the fixed value of the transition-state coordinate.
           (No optimization).
 -m mass : Reduced mass in AMU (default mass = 1.0).
 -e1  E1 : First energy of fit-interval.
 -e2  E2 : Last  energy of fit-interval.
 -ed edim: Number of energy points used to compute the integrals. (def.= 500).
 -es shft: The energies read from the probability files are shifted by shft.
 -em1 Emin1: The input probabilities for j1 are set to zero for Emaxp.
 -A      : Minimize F = SQRT(A*B) - C
 -B      : Minimize F/C (default)
 -C      : Minimize -C
 -p      : Print every iteration step.
 -ver    : Version information about the program 
 -h      : Print this help text. 

The defaults settings are: IDIR=., ODIR=., j=0, k=0, r0=3.0, Edim=500,
Eshift=0.0, Emin=-1.0e9_dop, maxp=1.0e9_dop, mass=1.0 (i.e. 1837.15 au).

Example: jinpol -f flux -o mflux -j 2 -j1 1 -j2 4 -e1 0.0 -e2 1.2
This will read the files flux201 and flux204 from and write the 
files  mflux201, mflux202, mflux203, and mflux204 to current directory.

NB: The energy interval [E1,E2] is used for determining r0 only.
The energy interval of output is the one of the first flux file.