
 Analyse program "ddgeom" (Read check file)


 Analyse program "ddgeom" 
 Purpose : Reads the check-file.
           Converts position expectation values to molecular geometries.
 Usage   : ddgeom [-f -oq -g -i -n -ver -h -?] ns nmd

 Options : 
 -f FILE : The data is read from file FILE rather than from ./check
           The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name.
 -i DIR  : Data is read from file DIR/check
 -oq FILE: The geometries  are written to file FILE.xyz
           rather than to ./ddgeom.xyz
           The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name.

 -g      : Requests Gaussian output type xyz.
 -s      : Suppress informative-only part of output (short output).
 -nofs   : No time units. Sets fs=1. Use, if 'time-not-fs' is set.
 -n      : Same as -nofs
 -ver    : Version information about the program.
 -h      : Print this help text. 
 -?      : Print this help text. 

 There are two arguments: 
 The first argument is ns, i.e. the state for which the natpops are written.
 (ns=0 -> no output files written).
 The second argument is nmd, i.e. the runing number of the mode 
 for which the natpops are written.
 If not enough arguments are given, the user is prompted for the
 missing arguments.