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Symmetry analysis of k=0 phonon modes

Here are some instructions for the symmetry assignment of k=0 phonon modes from DMAREL and NEIGHBOURS output.
I've used the structure am8 (fort.21 & prop.out)of the uracil derivative Panos sent me. I made the RUDOLPh input file for this = am8.rudolph and an output file from RUDOLPh that contains the phonon eigenvectors in the axis system needed for the symmetry analysis = am8.rudolph.f16.

> first step - matching representation numbers with symmetry labels

In fort.21 from neighbours, look for the sections near the top with 'LINEAR BASIS FUNCTIONS', 'QUADRATIC BASIS FUNCTIONS' and 'ROTATION BASIS FUNCTIONS'
These tell you how the basis functions transform, i.e. to which representation of the symmetry group they belong.
In the fort.21 for the am8 structure, you find the matrix:
0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 1
1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2
0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 2
So X and Z belongs to representation 2, while Y belongs to rep 1.
Similarly, from the quadratic section, we have x^2,y^2,Z^2,xy in representation 4 and yz,xy in rep 3.
For the rotations, Ix and Iz are in rep3, while Iy is in rep4.

This crystal is P21/c, so these can be compared to the character table for C2h, which says that:
xz,x^2,y^2,z^2 and Iy belong to Ag
yz,xy,Ix and Iz belong to Bg
y belongs to Au
x and z belong to Bu
(y and z are usually the other way around, but this is the order neighbours has used - the key things is that there are 2 linear basis functions in Bu, etc.)

So, our representation 1 is Au, rep 2 is Bu, rep 3 is Bg and rep 4 is Ag. Neighbours always orders them with the totally symmetric representation as the last representation.


> second step - get basis functions for each symmetry

Further down in the fort.21, you have a listing of translational and rotational basis functions. These are a basis for all molecular motions, so any normal mode has to be a combination of these. They are listed by representation, so we just need to match them up with the calculated phonon eigenvectors to label the symmetry for the modes.
In the am8 example, go to where it says 'TRANSLATION FUNCTIONS' in the fort.21. The key thing is the phase of each basis function. The first line says that, in representation 1 the y translations of molecules are in phase (all positive, ++++). Similarly, z translations alternate positive (molecule 1), negative (mol 2), positive (mol 3), negative (mol4) = +-+-. Third line: x translations do the same +-+-.
Similarly, in representation 2 are x translations ++++, y translations +-+-, z translations ++++
Similarly, in representation 3 are x translations ++--, y translations +--+, z translations ++--
Similarly, in representation 4 are x translations +--+, y translations ++--, z translations +--+

in representation 1, rotations go as +--+ for Ix, ++-- for Iy, +--+ for Iz
in representation 2, rotations go as ++-- for Ix, +--+ for Iy, ++-- for Iz
in representation 3, rotations go as ++++ for Ix, +-+- for Iy, ++++ for Iz
in representation 4, rotations go as +-+- for Ix, ++++ for Iy, +-+- for Iz


> third step - compare phonon eigenvectors to basis functions

All of the basis functions in the previous step are for translations in the GLOBAL axis frame (given in terms of the unit cell at the top of fort.21). Rotations are around the molecular LOCAL axes and the phases might not match up with those around the principal axes used in DMAREL. Right now, RUDOLPh transforms these and writes the eigenvectors to fort.16 in the axis system we need.
I've included the RUDOLPh input file and resulting fort.16 (which I renamed am8.rudolph.f16). I should change the output in DMAREL to write eigenvectors in this axis system, to save a step in the process.
The first 3 vibrational modes are the acoustic ones (frequency = 0 at k=0), so look at vibration 4 first. For am8, this is mainly translational. The x translation has phase +-+-, which matches with what we found for representation 1 in the previous step. As a check, the z-rotation has phase -++- (= +--+), which agrees with what we should find in representation 1. So, vibrational mode 4 is Au.
Similarly, vibration 5 has x and z translational components both with phase +--+, so this is representation 4 = Ag. Note the rotations could have been used to make the same assignment: rotations about Y are ++++.
Going through all vibrational modes for am8:
vibs 5,7,10,18,19 and 23 are Ag
vibs 6,8,14,17,20 and 24 are Bg
vibs 4,11,12,16 and 22 are Au
vibs 9,13,15 and 21 are Bu
Of 24 modes, 6 are Ag, 6 are Bg, while only 5 Au and 4 Bu. This is because the 3 acoustic modes are in the symmetry of the X,Y and Z basis functions (step 1) - two in Bu and one Au.

Graeme Day, May 2005

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